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"Nid byd, byd heb wybodaeth." nibzxBity €olh%z of MAGAZINE. Vol, XII. JUNE 18th, 1890. No. 9. CO NTENTS. I. Looking Backward ........................ ........ 257 Jl. Newton's Second Law of Motion—R. W Genesb 261 III. The Socratic Method—C.H.H................... 265 IV. Strat ford-on- A von ................................ 268 V. Scylliuni Canicula—Caprelh..................... 271 VI. Oxford Gossip ....................................... 272 VII. M--eMng of the Court of Governors ............ 273 VIII. The Teacher's Guild of Great Britain & Ireland 276 IX. College Notes, &c.................................... 278 PUBLISHED AT THE COLLEGE. ABERYSTWYTH J. GIBSON, "CAMBIUAN tIEWs" PRINTING WORKS, MILL STKEKi''